Toddler – Beef and Veggie Burger

“Yummy burgers packed with extra goodness.”

– Jenny O’Dea, Nutritionist, Danone Baby Nutrition

These burgers are also great to cook for all the family at summer barbecues. You can make them bigger for the adults in the family.

Serves 4

Baby – Chickpea and Coriander Stew

“Full of interesting flavours.”

Michelle Skelly, Clinical Dietician, Laois

Tip! Chickpeas are so handy and are a great source of iron for your baby. It’s always good to have a few tins of chickpeas in the cupboard. Don’t be afraid to add in vegetables of your choice to this recipe.

Meatballs and Spaghetti

“It is often difficult to meet iron requirements in pregnancy, immediately after birth and in a toddler’s diet. This recipe provides a good source of Iron while also providing extra nutrients by adding vegetables to the sauce.”

Fiona Dunlevy, Senior Paediatric Dietician, Dublin

Serves 4

A classic dish rich in Iron and Vitamin C and great for the whole family!

Salmon and Asparagus Wraps

“There is something about the Irish palate that loves salmon. It is rich in omega-3, readily available, and very good value. In this recipe I sometimes use monkfish or sea trout instead”.

Neven Maguire, Chef and Father.

Toddler – Cowboy Hotpot

“The colours and variety of textures in this dish will help your child to develop their taste and interests in new foods”

– Michelle Skelly, Clinical Dietician, Laois

What a great way to incorporate lots of vegetables and oily fish into your toddler’s diet. Sssssh don’t tell your toddler!

Serves 7

Baby – Easy Peasy Homemade Hummus

“Hummus is perfect to use as a dip for small pieces of fresh fruit and vegetables, or as a spread instead of butter. Infants love the savoury fresh taste and it’s a great way to encourage them to self-feed which develops their hand and eye co-ordination and feeding autonomy.”

Ruth Charles, Paediatric Dietician, Westmeath

Serves 12, suitable from 6 months on;

Tip! Why not set aside some of this mixture for the adults in the family and spice things up by blending in some chopped red chilli if you dare!


Toddler – Creamy Pork and Apple

“Everyone in the family will love this tasty casserole dish, a different take on the usual pork with apple sauce.”

– Louise Reynolds, Dietitian, Danone Baby Nutrition

TIP – We often take the quality of our Irish pork for granted when you really can’t beat it anywhere else in the world! Chop the pork into nice small pieces that your toddler is able to tuck in to.

Serves 12