Pregnancy Dietary Checklist

The foods and drinks that you choose during pregnancy have long lasting effects on your baby’s health. Here are the things to check that you are including/avoiding in your diet during pregnancy.

The importance of family meal times

Eating together as a family has been shown to have multiple benefits for all involved and not only from a nutritional perspective but in many other aspects as well. Research has shown that family mealtimes can boost children’s vocabulary even more than being read out loud to and children who regularly sit down to family meals are less likely to be overweight or obese.

Breastfeeding? Say Yes to Oily fish!

Breastfeeding provides the best nutrition for your baby with many long-term benefits for your baby such as the reduction in the risk of obesity and certain infections and allergies. Remember to take the time to look after yourself during this important time, particularly your own diet. The foods you eat will actually affect both the … read more >