Trimester 3

You are now on the final stretch and it is an exciting time when you finally reach the final trimester – each day bringing you closer to meeting your new baby

Your baby will be moving every day and, during this trimester, your partner and friends may also be able to feel those strong kicks and twists and turns. This is a lovely way to share your pregnancy with those you love – remember, it can all seem a little surreal for those around you that a new baby is on the way as they are not feeling all of the physical symptoms you have been living with for the last 6 months!

You may also begin to count down the weeks as your growing bump can come between you and a good night’s sleep!

Heartburn may also become an issue as your baby grows and the space available for your internal organs is more limited. Try to sleep in a slightly raised position with a few extra pillows under your head or maybe have a glass of cold milk before bedtime to help.

But remember, you are nearly at the end of your pregnancy journey and about to embark on an even more exciting phase of the First 1000 Days of your baby’s life. Enjoy!

First 1000 Days Team

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