Baby’s First Christmas Dinner

Let’s face it, Christmas dinner is most definitely the BEST dinner of the year and your little one wants in on the tasty action too!

If your baby has started taking solids, Christmas dinner for them is really no extra hassle at all – there are just one or two little things to consider in terms of avoiding added sugar or salt.

  • Before you add salt, sugar, butter or gravy to any of the saucepans of food take your baby’s portion out first and set aside (maybe even take a portion for their dinner tomorrow too).
  • Puree your baby’s food to the appropriate consistency depending on what stage of weaning they’re at. Use your baby’s usual milk to make their dinner nice and creamy. Remember your baby doesn’t even know what salt or gravy tastes like so they’re not missing out and you’re not being cruel!
  • Turkey is a great source of iron and protein so make sure to whiz some into your baby’s potato and vegetable puree. If your baby is in the later stages of weaning and are taking fingers foods, little strips of turkey meat are perfect for them to feed themselves with as you keep a close eye on them.
  • As much as we all love our Christmas ham it is a little bit too salty for your baby so it’s best to give this a miss.
  • In terms of nibbles throughout the day…..have some soft cooked vegetable sticks and bread sticks and some nice hummus at the ready for your little one if they’re at the finger food stage. Again if the turkey is cooked some strips of turkey meat are a great finger food idea as well as some slices of firm cheese. Again always watch your baby when they’re having their finger foods.
  • Your baby has a tiny stomach so they definitely don’t want a 3 course meal! Spread the courses throughout the day for them. e.g. if making a vegetable soup you can give it to your baby a little early on in the day if dinner is going to be late in the evening or vice versa (remember if making soup….choose the no-salt stock cubes).

Baby’s First Christmas Dinner

Ideas of what to include in your baby’s first Christmas dinner

Main Meal:

  • Mashed Potato
  • Carrots
  • Parsnip
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Turkey
  • Mixed with: their usual milk


Pureed fruit of choice (no added sugar)
e.g. pureed pear or pureed eating apple with a little bit of cinnamon for a festive taste.

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