Advice for Dads-to-be

Remember, it takes two to make a healthy baby, so now is the time to get both of you on board to do a quick MOT of lifestyle, diet and exercise habits. Maybe there are some small changes you can both make together to improve your chances of conception and give your future baby a head start on the road to a lifetime of good health. There is lots of evidence now linking the Dad-to-be’s health and dietary habits with his sperm quality — healthy sperm will help to programme the baby for a long and healthy life.

Trimester 1

This trimester will pass most quickly of all as you will probably be roughly half way through before you even discover you are pregnant. This exciting news may be hard to keep secret from all around you, but most couples do wait until the end of the first trimester to spread their happy news. At this stage, you may have had your first doctor’s visit and will be feeling reassured that all is going well.

Foods to avoid and limit for toddlers

In the First 1000 Days, you have the opportunity to make healthy choices for your toddler which will improve their eating habits and health for life. Although they may be growing fast and becoming little people, remember they are not mini adults! So there are still some foods that you should limit in their diet.

Fertility Foods for Men

Fruits and vegetables: The antioxidant vitamins found in fruits and vegetables can help protect sperm from cellular damage and keep them strong and healthy– exactly what you need at this time. The antioxidant vitamins are also called the ACE vitamins — an easy way to remember that they are vitamins A, C and E. Find vitamin A in leafy greens, carrots, red peppers, and apricots, to name a few. Get lots of vitamin C in orange juice, tomatoes, grapefruit, and broccoli. And get vitamin E from vegetable oils, nuts and seeds sprinkled over a healthy lunchtime salad. Fruits and vegetables such as leafy greens, beans, and most fruits contain folic acid – a B vitamin with antioxidant properties that’s crucial for keeping sperm healthy.