I just need some SLEEP!

When Henry was a newborn, like all newborns, he didn’t sleep that much. Every night I sat up boob-feeding him and listening to podcasts to wile away the terminally long nights. In the daytime during his naps I did as I had been advised to do and slept while he slept. This was all fine … read more >

Starting Weaning

A few weeks ago, when he was hitting the six month mark, I began trying to give Henry solid foods for the first time. My aunt had advised me that once babies start putting things in their mouth that means they are ready to have a go at real food. I was really excited to … read more >

5 months old

Henry is five months old now, which is impossible to believe. He is becoming so much more animated and interactive. He smiles at us and laughs all the time, he even plays little games — usually involving ripping up the Sunday Papers. He is also much more happy to play on his tummy which I’m … read more >

Back to routine

This month was my target for getting back into some kind of fitness. After a caesarian birth it is essential to allow your body recover fully before you start any rigorous exercise. Luckily there is never any danger of me doing rigorous exercise! I have always dabbled in what I like to call running but … read more >

Recovering from the shock of being born – finally!

When sitting down to write these entries I always refer back to the previous post to remind myself of how different things were just a month before. I’ve come to realise that with babies they literally change from hour to hour. I think Henry is finally beginning to recover from the shock of being born! … read more >

Time flies… 1 month old

Henry is one month old now, which is hard to believe. Not, I hasten to add, because time is flying (as it does when you are having fun) but because time has somehow morphed and stretched so that the last month felt like a year. This is what time does when instead of having fun … read more >

The Birth!

So our baby boy is out loose in the world at last and life, as we know it has altered forever. So in the end all my yoga, birth training and intimate (ick!) massages were in vain. Baby Bean was delivered by c-section just over a week early. There was a bit of a frantic … read more >