Tips for staying healthy this Christmas

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding this Christmas, here are some tips to help you maintain healthy eating habits over the festive season.

  • Christmas is a time when all those delicious foods that you have to avoid when you are pregnant are more likely to appear. Pate as a starter, cheese boards with unpasteurised goodies or delicious looking desserts like chocolate mousse made with uncooked eggs. But there are delicious healthy alternatives available – choose a light starter such as melon or vegetable soup, and for dessert enjoy a small amount of Christmas pudding or a big bowl of fresh fruit salad.
  • Party foods like vegetables crudités with tomato salsa, or a handful of unsalted nuts are healthier alternatives to traditional party food. Why not bring along some of these foods to a party so you know you will have something suitable to nibble on!
  • If you are eating out, check the menu online or phone the restaurant in advance so that you have an idea of the healthier choices on the menu. Don’t starve yourself in the day leading up to a night out — have a light lunch or snack a few hours before you go out for the evening.
  • Drink plenty of water with meals and throughout the day. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Sparkling water might help if you are experiencing any nausea during pregnancy.
  • Eat little and often to help keep your blood sugar levels stable. Snack on fruit and yoghurt between meals. It’s a good idea to keep a fruit salad in the fridge to nibble on. Melon, pear, grapes and pineapple are a really refreshing combination.
  • Crisp December days are perfect for wrapping up and heading out for a walk. This will help improve circulation and clear your head if you are prone to getting stressed about the Christmas preparations!
  • Finally, don’t be afraid to take people up on their offers of help! People are more than happy to lend a hand and help you when you are pregnant or have a new baby in the house, whether it’s help with putting up the decorations or taking the load off when preparing the Christmas food. Sit down at parties to help prevent potential swollen ankles, and don’t feel guilty about sneaking off for a quick afternoon nap — it will help refresh you so you can fully enjoy the festivities.

First 1000 Days Team

Our expert team of dietitians and nutritionists have created lots of articles, tips, advice and recipes all about the importance of good nutrition to help you give your baby the healthiest possible start in life.

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